
class kittycad.models.base64data.Base64Data(data)[source][source]

Bases: object

Initializes the object.

If the provided data is already in base64 encoded format, it will store it. If the data is a regular byte string, it will encode and then store it.


Initializes the object.

If the provided data is already in base64 encoded format, it will store it. If the data is a regular byte string, it will encode and then store it.



Initializes the object.


Returns the decoded byte string.


Returns the stored base64 encoded data.


Checks if given data is base64 encoded.

__annotations__ = {}[source]
__dict__ = mappingproxy({'__module__': 'kittycad.models.base64data', '__init__': <function Base64Data.__init__>, 'is_base64': <staticmethod(<function Base64Data.is_base64>)>, 'get_encoded': <function Base64Data.get_encoded>, 'get_decoded': <function Base64Data.get_decoded>, '__get_pydantic_core_schema__': <classmethod(<function Base64Data.__get_pydantic_core_schema__>)>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'Base64Data' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Base64Data' objects>, '__doc__': None, '__annotations__': {}})[source]
classmethod __get_pydantic_core_schema__(source_type, handler)[source][source]
Return type:

Union[AnySchema, NoneSchema, BoolSchema, IntSchema, FloatSchema, DecimalSchema, StringSchema, BytesSchema, DateSchema, TimeSchema, DatetimeSchema, TimedeltaSchema, LiteralSchema, EnumSchema, IsInstanceSchema, IsSubclassSchema, CallableSchema, ListSchema, TupleSchema, SetSchema, FrozenSetSchema, GeneratorSchema, DictSchema, AfterValidatorFunctionSchema, BeforeValidatorFunctionSchema, WrapValidatorFunctionSchema, PlainValidatorFunctionSchema, WithDefaultSchema, NullableSchema, UnionSchema, TaggedUnionSchema, ChainSchema, LaxOrStrictSchema, JsonOrPythonSchema, TypedDictSchema, ModelFieldsSchema, ModelSchema, DataclassArgsSchema, DataclassSchema, ArgumentsSchema, CallSchema, CustomErrorSchema, JsonSchema, UrlSchema, MultiHostUrlSchema, DefinitionsSchema, DefinitionReferenceSchema, UuidSchema]


Initializes the object.

If the provided data is already in base64 encoded format, it will store it. If the data is a regular byte string, it will encode and then store it.

__module__ = 'kittycad.models.base64data'[source]

Returns the decoded byte string.

Return type:



Returns the stored base64 encoded data.

Return type:


static is_base64(data)[source][source]

Checks if given data is base64 encoded.

Return type:
